Full Time
With the Pleasant Valley and Indian Land Fire Department merger, Lancaster County Fire Rescue is seeking qualified firefighters for the position of Fire Captain. The positions will be assigned to the Indian Land Fire Department and be a 24-hr shift schedule and a supervisory position. You can apply on the county website www.mylancastersc.org. Then click on job opportunities and look for Fire Captain Indian Land.
Part Time
We are always looking to take on new members. If you'd like to apply to work part time, click the link below and give us a call so we know to pull your application.
Would you like to volunteer and experience the Brother and Sisterhood of the fire service? We meet on Monday Nights at 7:00, come and check it out!
Jr Fire Fighter
Are you under 18 and want to learn about Fire Fighting as a volunteer or as a future career?
Come find out what it all about!